Thursday, January 30, 2020

Housekeeping and Housekeeping Uniforms Essay Example for Free

Housekeeping and Housekeeping Uniforms Essay First uniforms appeared in antiquity as a tool for protection. Since then properties, appearance and even destination of uniforms have changed. Today variability and application of uniforms are amazing. Thousands of designers create new more fashionable and comfortable models, chemical industry workers develop contents of fabrics and paints. More and more companies want to outfit their employees in uniforms, more and more schools and universities provide uniforms for their pupils and students. There are a lot of reasons for developing a uniform industry and they are considered below. Many companies prefer to have uniformed employees because most of customers consider uniform as a pledge of quality, reliability and credence. Moreover with the help of uniform employers control the appearance of their employees and make an additional advertising by embroidering logos. If uniform includes an employee’s name it is simplify his (her) communication with consumers. A good uniform should be durable, comfortable and look good without frequent washing and ironing. Traditionally for production housekeeping uniforms most of companies use polyester and cotton in different ratios. At present there is a tendency to produce 100-percent cotton pants and shirts. Along with traditional teal, navy, grey, black and white appear more bright original colors. New models of housekeeping uniforms consist of tunics in different colors, twills with long or short sleeves, polo with or without pockets. Among innovations in uniform industry should be mentioned new soil-, wrinkle-, stain-, water and fire-resistant garments and reflective materials which can reflect light 1,500 times brighter than a white surface at night. A uniform cost depends on producer and fabric. For example housekeeping dress you can buy for $16-38, tea apron $6. 75-12. 95, tunic top $12. 99-49. 99, pants $7. 99-19. 25. The primary problem of all types of uniforms is good air conductivity along with all other properties. And it is determine vast and prosperous area for future research. Introduction The history of origin of the uniform begins from ancient times and the main reason for this was protection. After nearly first battles people understood that they need some armors to fight more effective. Besides that soldiers should discern their confederates and enemies among thousands on battlefield (with the same goal were made sports uniforms for team games). An army uniform includes also hierarchical orders and epaulets as signs of steady structure and to make strict discipline. Hospital uniforms were created to protect doctors and nurses from different infectious diseases. Later uniforms were designed in a way to protect also patients from dirt and infections. They were made from high-quality and natural fabrics in most cases light colored to keep them in excellent cleanness. To become more noticeable road workers wear bright uniform with phosphor insets. Workers at factories and plants use protective uniforms to enclose themselves from harmful dust, substances or rays. There are a lot of reasons to provide uniform at schools and universities. They are: cost, durability, school pride, discipline, etc. Finally people wear uniform because they (or their chiefs) want to show their belonging to some group, company or organization. To date more and more companies want to fit up their employees in more distinctive and more fashionable apparel. That is why this is relevant topic for research. Creation new more comfortable and stylish models from durable, efficient fabrics is very propitious direction of activity. This paper is dedicated to evaluation of uniform market, its cost, new models and fabrics. 1. Reasons companies go with a uniform. More and more companies prefer to have uniformed employees. â€Å"It is estimated that more than 32 million U. S. workers wear uniforms of some kind† ( Uniforms aid in making the critical first business impression, Jun 1, 2002 12:00 PM, By Kim Mitchell). The basic reasons are: †¢ According to conducted social investigations customers prefer to deal with companies whose employees are uniformed. For majority of surveyed consumers uniform is a pledge of quality, reliability and credence. †¢ Uniform simplifies the communication between customers and employees as good uniform includes an employee’s name and a logo of a company or corporation. At the time of contact with company representatives out of organization people feel themselves in more safety when employees are uniformed. †¢ Uniforms let employers to control the appearance of employees, the condition of their clothes. †¢ Benefit for employees. In a case they have a uniform people should not waste time and money for buying work clothes. Moreover, disappears one everyday question â€Å"What to wear today? † †¢ People dressed in uniform with a logo are walking advertising. 2. Requirements to uniforms: †¢ Durability †¢ Good look without frequent washing and ironing †¢ Proper model and color †¢ With embroidered name and logo †¢ Fashion 3. Fabrics and colors. Traditionally for production housekeeping uniforms most of companies use polyester and cotton in different ratios. The percentage of each material is determent by destination of the garment. For garments which are in close contact with employee’s body it is better to use fabrics with high percentage of natural materials as cotton or flex which pass air very well. Garments like apron may be made from 100-percent polyester. Anyway the principal property of fabrics for uniforms is to carry the shape of manufacture for a long time without frequent ironing. Another one significant requirement is simply laundering. Besides that fabrics should retain color. These goals are achieving by trying different ratios of materials in fabrics. At present there is a tendency to produce 100-percent cotton pants and shirts. Recently Singer’s firm added more wool fabrics to their line. For uniforms with embroidery typical fabrics include cotton twill, pique, denim, cotton/polyester blend and fleece (for jackets). [ Uniforms aid in making the critical first business impression, Jun 1, 2002 12:00 PM, By Kim Mitchell] Instead of traditional for housekeeping uniforms colours as teal, navy, grey and black with white trims and aprons today appear more bright original colours. 4. Models Side by side with well-known housekeeping classic dresses with aprons and plain shirts with pants there are male and female tunics in different colors, men’s twills with long or short sleeves, polo with or without pockets, ladies’ version of twills and polo, knit shirts and different models of jackets. Helga Designs Front Desk is working out new models of housekeeping uniforms. In enclosure you can find some of them. 5. Innovations The Wearables Business presents the record of uniform innovations: †¢ New soil-, wrinkle-, stain-, water and fire-resistant garments †¢ The coordinating ladies version twill and polo in nine colors in sizes S-3XL †¢ New proprietary 100-percent spun polyester performance knit from Milliken †¢ Reflective materials which can reflect light 1,500 times brighter than a white surface at night Saxon Uniforms Company proposes such models of uniforms, which are specially designed to make fitting simple with a patented size scale that allows each garment to fit three different sizes.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Collected Works Of Nicholas Cottrell :: essays research papers

The Collected Works of Nicholas Cottrell Collected Works, Vol. 1 Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: All works within are copyrighted to Nicholas Cottrell, hereafter known as "the author". Unauthorized copying is prohibited. Each reader is authorized to make five (5) copies and distribute them in any manner as long as profit is not gained. This contains subject matter that you may find disturbing or inappropriate. Please do not read it if you think you may become offended. Table of Contents: 0. Introduction 1. "Spring" - The one romance poem in here. 2. "Spiral's End" - a poem of revenge 3. "Of Teenage Sorrow" - A short story 4. "Nomad" - loneliness in writing 5. "Frat Boys" - anti-drinking 6. "Reflected Waves" - a poem of surprise at oneself 7. "Phoenix" - a poem of redemption 8. "My Friend In Misery: An Ode to Missa" - a poem of thanks 9. "Bleeding" - a poem of being drained 10. "Observations of Corporations" - A partial view of life. 11. "Fallen Hero" - Read the disclaimer 12. "Singularity" - the one way out 13. "Short Views" - More views on life Introduction A while back, my poetry won me a statewide award. Ever since, I've been pressured to make a compilation of some of my crap and send it around to be published. This collection is just a bunch of stuff I threw together, not much thought to it. If you like it, tell me so! My e-mail address is, write me. I'll write back each and every person by hand, I promise. Well, on with the show, I suppose. 1. "Spring" A rose with gentle petals in the garden grows amongst the weeds Love, like the rose thrives in life's turmoils like the carefully planted seed - Nicholas Cottrell 2. "Spiral's End" Too long have I spent Explaining what I've meant Too long have you heard my ominous words Whimpering, you cry on your knees, you die. -Nicholas Cottrell 3. "Of Teenage Sorrow" A child's cries in the night awaken the mother, who stumblingly finds her way to the crib. Is it a bottle, or a diaper change? The mother does not know. Inadequacy fills the teenage mother, and blinds her to the child's needs. "Rot in Hell, kid." she mutters, crawling back into a bed where a father should be but wasn't. The child's unrelenting tears force her from her nighttime reverie, abd drag her back to the nursery. "Shut up, kid!" she growls drowsily. "Don't you know I have school tomorrow?" But the baby does not know, and her howls fill the night. Lights come on in neighboring apartments, and shouts reach her ears. "Shut that kid up!"

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Benefits of intership

The benefit of Inter-agency partnerships Is working refers to when two or more agencies that deal the same Issues for example health Issues where Hospital can work with the GAP. Some agencies could have some information about a person that another doesn't or when a person is at an age where they can be cared for better by one agency, this relationship allows them to be transferred.Be treated by different services can benefit the service users because the service users can be sure that he as been checked by two deferent person and can be treated quickly. This could be a benefit for the service providers as well because the second partnership can get all information about the person without asking the person, they can get all Information about the person from the first partnership. Inter-agency partnerships for Elizabeth This report is based on Inter-agency working together to provide Elizabeth support to deal with her Alchemist's disease.The reason why Inter-agency are working is to h elp Elizabeth and help her family with Alchemist's and to provide support for both of hem. Agencies working together Health Visitor Health visitor for older people is to promote the health and independence of older people living at home with difficulties. Elizabeth would need the support off Health visitor because of her family that doesn't understand her and that they are no longer interested In her well-being. The main role of health visitor Is to provide a supportive health assessment and referral service for old people like Elizabeth.They also work with GAP and health care services. The Health Visiting Service for Older People aims o: Support old people health and well being Help prevent ill health and its consequences Support patients living with long term conditions to facilitate Independence Provide up-to-date Information about help and services available so that patients, their families and careers can make Informed decisions Access health needs and refer to additional servi ces if required Provide careers with advice about the support that is available to them General practice (G.P) G. P are here to work for primary care and are part of a clinical commissioning group which have responsibilities for helping with healthcare from secondary healthcare providers, such as hospital and community and also Alchemist's society. Elizabeth would need the support of a General practice working with the Health visitor. Alchemist's society This is an organization that will work and support people with diseases such Dementia. They are all volunteers who are helping old people with Alchemist's.Elizabeth would need their support and help for her disease. This society will also work with the both General practice and Health visitor to malting Elizabeth health Elizabeth with every aspect and understanding diagnosis and assessment to dealing with the financial challenges that she might be encounter as she no longer lives with her family. Benefits The benefits of inter-agenc y partnerships working together for Elizabeth are that Alchemist's society, the G. P and the health visitor are all working for her.This will benefits her and the all three social and care system because they can get information about Elizabeth without her help. This will also benefit Elizabeth because she can get all the support by three different agencies and get treated quickly. Elizabeth will get all the support and help from different health service this will benefit her. Factor that preventing The main factors that prevent inter-agency collaboration relate to Elizabeth Alchemist's might be communication within and between agencies, professional values and power relationships.Partner agencies in collaborative situations need to be treated as equals. Communication can be one of the factors that could prevent agencies working together, lack of communication, example if the health visitor doesn't give information and doesn't communicate with the two other agencies that loud cause issues for Elizabeth, issues like the agencies can't get enough information and Elizabeth can't get in a good condition situation because agencies will delay the treatment because of one agency.Agencies might have difficulties in sharing information; particularly confidential information as well as cultural and professional differences between agencies can prevent them working together. Other factors that can prevent agencies working together are that if one agency gives only limited information about Elizabeth that can prevent agencies working together as hey won't get enough information about Elizabeth. Another reason which can prevent agencies from working together might be the funding which can cause problems, like lack of money and couldn't help Elizabeth with her needs.If one of the agencies can't co-operate with other agencies because of any reason and this can prevent them working together example if the General practice doesn't feel well and can't come work with the other a gencies. How to overcome and consider them Communication needs to be developed at all levels of operation both within each agency working with Elizabeth. Agencies need to find ways to improve face to face and written communication.Procedures and practices should be integrated between agencies and Elizabeth. Discuss about the health improvement of Elizabeth. Be equal and don't give preferences to one agency than the other. Conclusion Elizabeth had the help of the 3 agencies that worked together to support and help her with Alchemist's. She had all the benefits of the agencies with her and agencies had benefits between because they have worked together for Elizabeth. They have overcome of what had prevented them working together.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

To What Extent Was Late Nineteenth-Century and Early...

APUSH To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? Throughout the history of the United States, America had a desire to expand its boundaries. The United States acquired most of its land during the nineteenth and early twentieth century with a brief break during the Civil War and Reconstruction. However, the way America went about graining new lands drastically changed from non-aggressive means in the beginning to extremely aggressive means towards the end. This essay will depict the extent to how late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States expansionism was a continuation†¦show more content†¦The foreign policies that President Roosevelt employed were ultra aggressive. The foreign policies were heavily enforced using his newly built naval force, the arm of offensive power, as a way to conquer the world, an idea brought to Roosevelt’s attention due to Alfred T. Mahan’s The Interest of America in Sea Power. Mahans article claimed that America must go forth with expansionism, for an â€Å"increasing volume of public sentiment demands it†, â€Å"the growing production of the country demands it†, and that â€Å"the Americans must now look onward† (Doc. C). Mahans tactics were heavily reliant on naval forces. He believed that â€Å"Three things are needful: first, protection of the chief harbors, by fortifications and coast-defense ships...Secondly, naval force, the arm of offensive power, which alone enables a country to extend its influence outward† and â€Å"thirdly, no foreign state should henceforth acquire a coaling position within three thousand miles of San Francisco† (Doc. C) Aside from these, the economy was the factor running most constantly through expansionism and imperialism. During expansionism, Americans were looking to spread out, enjoy their own property, farm their land, and make their lives better. Imperialists’ desire was also to fuel the economy. People saw other lands as a way to get the â€Å"needed† materials they couldn’t get elsewhere. Theodore Roosevelt and all Americans saw the land as a place where they couldShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture